We are all About World Class Asset Management

World Class Management 101
The above graphic really says it all.  Asset Health is indeed the foundation on which you build Production throughput, establish consistent Quality and maintain Safety....  Without Reliability, throughput suffers, Quality is always up and down and Safety is not assured due to the frequent Start-ups and Emergency Shutdowns associated with questionable asset health.  The end result is lower Profitability, plain and simple.

Your Company has likely already included Quality and Safety as Executive or Company Values and that is why those programs work well within your operational context.  However many Companies fail to add Reliability to their Company Values and therefore many Maintenance and Reliability programs are doomed to failure.

CEO’s, Board Members, Executive Managers - must realize that without
Asset Health and Reliable Assets, your business cannot  become World Class....

You MUST establish Reliability as at least and EQUAL VALUE to Quality and Safety because without Reliability you have no consistent Quality, Safety and Profitability...  The simple facts are that as Production Assets go up and down, so too does Quality, Safety, Productivity and Profitability...

You already have Processes in place to manage Production, Quality and Safety. This is because Processes deliver measurable and consistant results!  So, why do you only have a Methodology or Philosophy like TPM or the like for managing Maintenance?
Industrial RCM is the Process by which you can achieve high Reliability and manage the Maintenance Function in your organization.

Industrial RCM is a Risk Based Process for Managing Maintenance and Increasing Reliability to World Class Standards and it has measurable KPIs. Reliability is an Organizational Function and therefore requires its own Department with the authority to influence other departments such as Production, Procurement and Maintenance in order to be effective... It must operate similar to the way your Quality Department operates now and it must have similar influence and authority...

  In the Immortal Words of the Beloved Jedi Master:

“Do, or Do Not!”  -  “There is No Try...”

It only works with full commitment and a change in Company / Corporate Values.